
113-4-30, Tuesday (Day 236)
—English: —English: a. Read “My Weird School: Fast Fact-Geography" pp.85-104
Answer Questions: 1. What is the tallest Peak in the Himalayan Mountains? 2. What is the largest desert on earth? 3. Where is the Gobi desert? 4. Where was the Hottest Temperatures on Earth recorded? 5. Where and what is the oldest living organism on Earth? 6. What does every Chinese citizen over the age of eleven have to do each year?
b. G3 Daily Higher-Order Thinking. pp.159 (Animal Population)
c. Sentence Making: data, represent, population
—數學:7-2數字的規律(課本pp.84-87 + 數習pp.80-81)
—國語:第六課走過就知道:a. 學習課文 (讀課文 + 回答問題)。b. 學習生字詞(甲本pp.17-20 + 小遊戲 )。
—電腦:a. 收發信件。b. Ch4. 低碳生活我最行。

113-4-29, Monday (Day 235)
—數學:7-1數量規律之圖形的規律(課本pp.81-83 + 數習pp.77-79)
—國語:第六課走過就知道:a. 學習課文 (引導影片 + 讀課文 + 圈生詞)。b. 學習生字詞(手寫生字 + 貼紙字卡)。c. 我敬佩的人學習單。
—English: —English: a. Read “My Weird School: Fast Fact-Geography" pp.66-84
Answer Questions: 1. How much water covers the earth’s surface? 2. How many Oceans are there? 3. What is the rate of the Atlantic Oceans expansion? 4. Who mapped the Gulf Stream? 5. What is the Gulf Stream? 6. How many American Great Lakes are there? Name them. 7. What is the longest river in the United States?
b. G3 Daily Higher-Order Thinking. pp.158 (That’s Not Money!)
—運動:跳繩x300 + 瑜珈(Calypso the Flamingo | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!)

113-4-27 & 4-28, Saturday & Sunday (Day 233-234)
—數學:複習小數計算的應用 (One Class)
—中文閱讀:a. 用點心學校12-Ch.5。b. 另類的黛西老師。
—英文閱讀:Harry Potter 2
—諮商: 4/27-4/28行程

113-4-26, Friday (Day 232)
—English: a. Read “My Weird School: Fast Fact-Geography" pp.31-65
Answer Questions: 1. What is a continent? 2. What is Pangaea? 3. More people live on what continent? 4. How many tigers are in Africa? 5. Why are there no dinosaur fossils found in the Grand Canyon? 6. North and South America are connected by an “Isthmus". What is an isthmus? 7. Why does A.J. want to live in Antarctica with the penguins?
b. G3 Daily Higher-Order Thinking. pp.157 (Hot or Cold)
c. Sentence making: cold, experiment, balloon

113-4-25, Thursday (Day 231)
—國語:a. 複習第五課課文(讀一次)。b. 國習pp.34-41
—數學:a. 複習單元六(課本pp.79-80)。b. One Class 數學試課。
—English: a. Read “My Weird School: Fast Fact-Geography" pp.31-65
Answer Questions: 1. What is a continent? 2. What is Pangaea? 3. More people live on what continent? 4. How many tigers are in Africa? 5. Why are there no dinosaur fossils found in the Grand Canyon? 6. North and South America are connected by an “Isthmus". What is an isthmus? 7. Why does A.J. want to live in Antarctica with the penguins?
b. G3 Daily Higher-Order Thinking. pp.156 (Slip “n" slide)
c. Spelling Challenge.
—電腦:a. 收發email。b. 第四章-低碳生活。

113-4-24, Wednesday (Day 230)
—English: a. Read “My Weird School: Fast Fact-Geography" pp.1-30
Answer Questions: 1. What do Geographers do? 2. When did Geography begin to develop and who is the Chinese Explorer from the early 1400’s? 4. How long does it take the Earth to go around the sun one time? 5. Hong long does it take for the Earth to spin around on it’s axis?
b. G3 Daily Higher-Order Thinking. pp.155 (Problems have solutions!)
c. Sentence making: problem, solution, brainstorm
—國語:a. 第五課句型和造句(國隨pp.22:一…立刻…、即便…仍…、行動自如)。b. 複習第五課修辭+回答問題。
—數學:a. 6-4 分數數線 (課本pp.77-78 + 數習 pp.72-73)。b. One Class 學力測驗。

113-4-23, Tuesday (Day 229)
—English: a. Read “My Weird School: It’s Halloween, I’m Turning Green!" pp.96-105
Answer Questions: 1. What did Mayor Hubble say that got everyone giggling? 2. How did everyone get home? 3. What does A.J. have to convince his parents of, so they will increase hiss allowance? 4. Fact: What do 30% of the kids do when returning home with their candy? 5. Trivia: During recess, what does Andrea do for fun?
b. G3 Daily Higher-Order Thinking. pp.154 (Putting Facts together)
c. Sentence making: facts, together, statement, deduce
—國語:a. 複習第五課生字詞(注音、部首、寫生字、寫生詞、多音、形近 ppts)。b. 第五課課文閱讀+修辭。
—電腦:a. 收發email。b. 第四章:低碳生活我最行。

113-4-22, Monday (Day 228)
—數學:6-3分數和小數的互換 (課本pp.75-76 + 習作pp.71)
—國語:a. 讀國隨例句pp.22 (短語練習、與其….不如、意想不到)。b. 做第五課字詞句練習單。

—English: a. Read “My Weird School: It’s Halloween, I’m Turning Green!" pp.64-95
Answer Questions: 1. Why did A.J. have such a weird dream and what is Billy’s suggestion that might stop the bad dream? 2. How much candy does Mrs. Yonkers allow each kid to take? 3. What is Mrs. Yonkers new invention? 4. Why does A.J. like the new invention? 5. What does the Halloween Monster want? 6.What is the Monster going to do with the invention? 7. Who do you think is the monster?
b. Spelling challenge.
—運動:a. 跳繩x300。b. 瑜珈(CHRISTMAS SUPER YOGA!Mystery and Detective)。
—藝術與手做:書法入門(基礎書法 + 篆書:)

113-4-20 & 4-21, Saturday & Sunday (Day 226-227)
—數學:複習6-1、6-2 (均一)
—中文閱讀:a. 用點心學校12。b. 另類的黛西老師。
—英文閱讀:Harry Potter 2
—諮商: 4/19, 4/20, 4/21行程

113-4-19, Friday (Day 225)
—國語:a. 複習第五課生字詞(讀國隨pp.20多音字和形近字 + 做國隨pp.23練習一 + 甲本pp.25-27詞與練習 + 造詞小遊戲)。b. 複習第五課課文(讀一次 + 課本pp.59句子練習:與其….不如)
—數學:6-2 簡單異分母分數的比較與加減 (課本pp.72-74 + 數習pp.68-70)
—English: a. Read “My Weird School Special: It’s Halloween, I’m Turning Green!" pp.1-27
Answer Questions: 1. Why should Ryan get the “No Bell Prize"? 2. What costume is Andrea wearing? What costume is Emily wearing? 3. What did Mrs. Yonkers tell Andrea in the computer room? 4. What happens on the way to Mrs. Yonker’s house? Why is A.J. happy? 5. What turns out to be real? 6. What is the best way to keep someone from stealing the candy? 7. What are all the teachers wanting? Why?
— G3 Daily Higher-Order Thinking. pp.153 (Life on Planet Zurg)

113-4-18, Thursday (Day 224)
—數學:6-1等值分數(課本pp.67-71 + 數習pp.64-67)
—國語:a. 複習第五課生字詞(讀+劃重點國隨pp.20-21生字語詞 + 做國隨pp.23 練習二填入適當的語詞 + 甲本pp.25-28詞語練習)。b. 複習第五課課文(讀一次+回答預習單問題)

—English: a. Read “My Weird School Special: It’s Halloween, I’m Turning Green!" pp.1-27
Answer Questions: 1. Why does A.J. hate October 30th? 2. Why does A.J. think Andrea TP’d his house?3. What are A.J. and Ryan going to do at Andrea’s house? 4. What is A.J. going to be for Halloween? 5. What is Neil for Halloween? 6. Who is Billy and why is his costume hilarious? 7. What happens at the Bald Headed Guy’s house on Maple Street?
b. G3 Daily Higher-Order Thinking. pp.152 (Chow Down!)
c. Sentence Making: feed, evaluate, choice

113-4-17, Wednesday (Day 223)
—English: a. Read “My Weird School Special: Back to School, Weird Kids Rule" pp.89-106
Answer Questions: 1. What was A.J.’s dream when he passed out? 2. What does Michael think this camp should be called? 3. What theme was the last day of camp? 4. What did Andrea figure out during lunch? 5. Why did Miss Janey get mad? 6. What did everyone do after lunch? 7. Why does Andrea like making lists?
b. G3 Daily Higher-Order Thinking. pp.151 (Tight Fit)
c. Video: Back to KC Zoo (Lunch)
—圖書館:看雜誌 + 回答問題
—國語:a. 複習第四課成語 (國隨pp.19練習四 + 小遊戲)。b. 複習第五課課文(引導影片+小遊戲)。c. 複習第五課生字 (甲本pp.22-24 + 小遊戲)

113-4-16, Tuesday (Day 222)
—English: a. Read “My Weird School Special: Back to School, Weird Kids Rule" pp.66-88
Answer Questions: 1. Why doesn’t Andrea need many erasers? 2. What does A.J. do when the return home from shopping? What does Andrea do? 3. Why doesn’t A.J. want to play outside? 4. After the constant arguing where are the mom’s going to send Andrea and A.J.? 5. What is the name of the camp? 6. Who was at camp? 7. What kind of camp are they all out?
b. G3 Daily Higher-Order Thinking. pp.150 (In My Opinion)
c. Sentence making
—國語:a. 複習第四課成語(寫詞 + 應用ppts)。b. 第五課活出生命的奇蹟:1)審題。2)認識力克.胡哲(討論+影片)。3)念課文+圈生詞。4)手寫生字+字卡貼紙。
—電腦:a. 收發email。b. 校外教學ppt。

113-4-15, Monday (Day 221)
—國語:a. 第一課到第四課評量。b. 第四課成語 (認讀、解釋、注音、寫字、寫詞ppts)
—運動:a. 瑜珈 (Calypso the Flamingo + Colonel Crockles the Crocodile)。b. 跳繩x300。
—English: a. Harry Potter 2。b. Spelling challenge

113-4-13 & 4-14, Saturday & Sunday (Day 219-220)
—英文閱讀:Harry Potter 2
—諮商:4/11, 4/12行程

113-4-12, Friday (Day 218)
—English: a. Read “My Weird School Special: Back to School, Weird Kids Rule" pp.32-65
Answer Questions: 1. According to Andrea what makes waffles taste better? 2. What kind of shopping are Andrea’s and A.J.’s mom’s taking them to do? 3. Where did A.J. disappear to while Andrea was going on about the fuzzy purses? 4. Who is the “per specialist" at Staples? 5. Who invented the ball point pen in 1888? 6. What is Andrea’s #7 reason why she likes school?
b. G3 Daily Higher-Order Thinking. pp.149 (South America)
c. Sentence making

113-4-11, Thursday (Day 217)
—國語:第四課a. 複習同音字。b. 國習pp.26-33。
—English: a. Read “My Weird School Special: Back to School, Weird Kids Rule" pp.1-31
Answer Questions: 1. What does Andrea like to do with punctuation? 2. What does Andrea want to be when she grows up? 3. Why does A.J.’s family need to stay at Andrea’s house? 4. How does Andrea know A.J. really likes her? 5. What is Andrea’s #4 Reason why she loves school? 6. What did Andrea find out about cheese while reading about gophers?
b. G3 Daily Higher-Order Thinking. pp.148 (South America)
c. Sentence making
—運動:跳繩x300 + 散步

113-4-10, Wednesday (Day 216)
—English: a. Read “My Weird School Fast Facts: Mummies, Myths, and Mysteries" pp.152-185
Answer Questions: 1. What was a favorite Roman dish, started with chicken? 2. Who is Cupid mother and what is she the Goddess of? 3. What is a centurion? 4. Who wore purple clothes? 5. Who was the last Emperor of Rome? 6. Who was the first Emperor of Rome? 7. How many slaves might a person own? How many would an Emperor have? 8. What is a “stupidus"?
b. G3 Daily Higher-Order Thinking. pp.147 (Special Delivery)
c. Spelling challenge.
—圖書館:提問 + 看雜誌 + 借書

—國語:a. 複習第四課生字詞(寫生詞+同音字ppts)。 b.複習課文(作者介紹 + 無注音閱讀 + 複習修辭讀國隨pp.18修辭舉要 + 改寫練習)

113-4-9, Tuesday (Day 215)
—English: a. Read “My Weird School Fast Facts: Mummies, Myths, and Mysteries" pp.122-151
Answer Questions: 1. How many chariots would race? How many times did they circle the track? How many teams? 2. How many people could sit in the Roman colosseum? 3. How many animals were killed on the day the colosseum opened? 4. What is a Roman Public toilet called? 5. Why was pee a big business? 6. Name 3 Roman Inventions. 7. What was the life expectancy of the average Roman?
b. G3 Daily Higher-Order Thinking. pp.146 (When we Meet again)
c. Sentence making.
—國語:a. 複習第四課生字詞(同音字、形近字ppts + 國隨pp.18-19練習一、二、三)。b. 複習第四課課文(作者介紹和修辭)。
—數學:複習單元五(課本pp.66 + 數習pp.59-60)
—電腦:a. 收發email。b. 校外教學的回憶。

113-4-8, Monday (Day 214)
—數學:5-4小數數線 (課本pp.64-65 + 數習pp.58)
—國語:第四課蝶之生:a. 讀+劃重點國隨pp.16-18(同音字、形近字、句型、照樣造句)。b. 第四課詞句練習單
—運動:a. 瑜珈 (Trolls | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!)。b. 跳繩x300。
—English: a. Harry Potter 2。b. G3 Daily Higher-Order Thinking. pp.145 (A Nice Surprise)

113-4-6 & 4-7, Saturday & Sunday (Day 212-213)
—中文閱讀:a. 豬小莉的情書。
—English Reading: Harry Potter 2

113-4-4 & 4-5, Thursday & Friday (Day 210-211)

113-4-3, Wednesday (Day 209)
—English: a. Read “My Weird School Fast Facts: Mummies, Myths, and Mysteries" pp.102-121
Answer Questions: 1. When was the city of Rome founded? How long did the Roman Empire last? 2. Who are Romulus and Remus? What is the myth about the 2? 3. What kind of clothes did men wear? What kind of clothes did women wear? 4. What is an “haruspex"? 5. What is the Roman Forum?
—國語:a. 複習課文(念一次+心智圖)。b. 複習生字詞(小遊戲+乙本)

113-4-2, Tuesday (Day 208)
—English: a. Read “My Weird School Fast Facts: Mummies, Myths, and Mysteries" pp.76-101
Answer Questions: 1. Who finally defeated the Persians? Who was his tutor? Did he ever lose a battle? 2. Who was the king of all the Greek gods? Where did he live? The Greek City of Athens is named after his daughter ___________. 3. What god invented music? 4. What is a Myth? 5. Why didn’t the Greeks eat beans? 6. How did a doctor in Ancient Greece tell if you were sick? 7. What did the Greeks use for toilet paper?
b. G3 Daily Higher-Order Thinking. pp.144 (What Talent!)
c. Sentence Making
—國語:a. 複習生字詞 (讀國隨和畫重點-生字語詞解釋pp.16-17 + 乙本pp.13-16 詞語練習 + 小遊戲)。b. 複習課文(讀一次+預習單)
—數學:5-3 小數計算的應用(課本pp.62-63 + 數習pp.56-57)
—電腦:a. 收發郵件。b. 第三章-校外教學記趣
—心理諮商:3:00pm + (3/31, 4/1, 4/2 紀錄)

113-4-1, Monday (Day 207)
—數學:5-2二位數x整數 (課本pp.60-61 + 數習pp.54-55)
—國語:第四課蝶之生:a. 課文(讀一次+看引導動畫)。b. 生字詞 (讀課文時圈生詞 + 手指描寫 + 貼紙字卡 + 乙本pp.10-12)
—運動:a. 瑜珈 (Funfair Kids Yoga! + Kids Yoga For After School!)。b. 跳繩x300。
—English: a. Read “My Weird School Fast Facts: Mummies, Myths, and Mysteries" pp.54-75
Answer Questions: 1. How did Birthday candles begin as a tradition amongst the Greeks? 2. Who wrote a poem about socks around 700 BCE? 3. When did the Olympics start in Greece? How often were they held? How many years did they have Olympics? 4. What is the name of the most famous Greek Temple? What is the name of the hill that it is on? 5. What did Socrates claim that happiness came from? 6. What is the Trojan Horse?

About 早媽

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